Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Porch Blogging

In the first post of a new weekly segment* I'm calling "Sunday porch blogging" here are some pictures of the plants I'm growing on my porch. At the moment I've got a few herbs (Basil, chives, mint, oregano, parsley and rosemary) a tomato plant and a tree fern. The tree fern is a bit of an experiment, and it isn't really that tree-like yet, actually it'll probably take 10 years for it to be treey, and if it survives in my care for that long I'll be bloody surprised. The tomato is doing very well though - the first flower just opened yesterday - and the oregano, parsley and mint are thriving too. Unfortunately the basil and rosemary have got off to a slightly slower start, in the basil's case this might have something to do with some rather brutal pruning (for salad and pasta sauce) that I subjected it too about two days after I got it. So I'm well aware of how utterly gay this post is, normal blog jibber will resume shortly, rest assured. Having said that, please feel free to ridicule me mercilessly for it in the comments. Yes, that was a desperate plea for some sort of feed back on, well anything to do with the Pony club really, so go on leave a comment... please!

- Mr. Ed

*The absurdity of this statment is presumed to be apparent. Who am I trying to fool? I can't do my laundry regularly, so this is almost certainly never going to be repeated, let alone weekly.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:56 pm

    hey I just came across your blog. that's a really herb garden you have.


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