Monday, May 29, 2006

Bank Holiday Balcony Bloggin'

The Bank Holiday- what is it about those two words that so fills the hearts of all with hope of warmth, of sunsplashed pub gardens, and of endless delicious pints knocked back in the sure knowledge of a world-turned upside down that is the three day weekend and then...

The skies grow dark...

But does this dissuade the resolute Bank Holiday Balcony Blogger? No! They make some drinks, and push on with said project though skies are leaden and temps are somewhere near to 58F. So there we were, with our only comfort the flowers, and of course the drinks...

So, not the most auspicious start to Balcony Blogging- but the drinks were nice. Surely the weather has to get better soon- only this weekend I was watching the long-range weather forcast when my ears perked up... "And later this week we will see a sudden change of season..." (great, I think, summer at last...) "A touch of winter!"
Smug weatherman git.
Frost as far south as the midlands. It's going to be 39F here on Tuesday morning.

-Bluecupboard and Beigey

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