I just got back from voting at the school around the corner from my house. My district had a pretty short wait, around 40 minutes, the other district though had a line at least 4 times as long. I got there around 9ish and I was back home by 10am. Here are some pictures:
Just so that I can be ridiculed later, I'm going to make a wild prediction. My optimistic side says Obama by 36o electoral votes, my inner pessimist says 320, so I think I'll plump for 340. Now we just have to sit back and watch me proved totally wrong...
- Mr. Ed
I voted too! 30 minutes in line down the street at PS #3 111 Bright Street, Jersey City, NJ at 7AM. I asked for a sticker but was told sorry, we don't have any, but it's in your spirit? It may be, but I wanted a sticker damnit!
I voted in my living room about two weeks ago. Florida used to send you out "I Voted" stickers it your absentee ballot and in 2000 the even sent you a special chad tool, but now you don't get anything and they suggest you fill in the ballot in pencil or pen. Pencil!?!? in that Banana republic? I went with good old indelible black ink.