Sunday, April 20, 2008

A day out at the Beidler

Steinbrenner (aka Pickle*) and I had a lovely afternoon out yesterday at the Francis Beidler Forest. The FBF is managed by the Audubon Society and there is a 1.75 mile boardwalk running through an 1800 acre stand of virgin Cypress and Tupelo Gums, many of which are over 1000 years old. The Francis Beidler Forest accounts for roughly one third of the 45,000 acre Four Holes Swamp (Google Maps), a major tributary of the Edisto River, the longest unaltered blackwater river system in North America. Blackwater rivers are fascinating environments. The water is very clear although tannins, from decomposing wood and leaves, give the water a reddish-brown hue. Despite and abundance of animal and plant life, blackwater is actually quite nutrient poor, and the ion content is so low that it has a conductivity similar to rainwater (the science geek in me wanted to end that sentence with an exclamation point, but I'll refrain). On our walk we saw lots of animals including a Greenish Rat Snake, Carolina Anoles, Skinks, Alligator Snapping Turtles (but no alligators, alas) a Pileated Woodpecker (not featured) and several Prothonotary Warblers (for more on the wildlife there, check out the FBF blog). We also saw some Turkey Vultures eating a dead deer on the way home.

All in all, a creature-tastic adventure.

- Mr. Ed

* Look out for Pickle Says, a forth-coming P Club feature...

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