Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ella Eve & Friends

A short montage of Ella and friends from Birthday to Easter.

- Scout

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A penny for your thoughts

Is a phrase that probably dates from a time when a penny was worth a lot more than it is now. Nowadays, the metal used to make a penny is actually worth more than one cent (this known as negative seigniorage) and the actual value of one cent is so low that,

"[b]reaking stride to pick up a penny, if it takes more than 6.15 seconds, pays less than the federal minimum wage."

These are just a few of many factlets to be found in this essay by David Owen (the David Owen? No, a David Owen), which makes a compelling case for the end of small change.

- Mr. Ed

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Back Pages

I was getting all nostalgic the other day and I ventured in to the archives of the P club. It turns out March 2006 was - if I do say so myself - pretty damned amusing (See Exhibit A). You can re-experience march 2006, as it was lived by the P Club, by clicking here.

Exhibit A: Some of the funny to be found in the March 2006 Archives.

- Mr. Ed

Signs of the apocalypse?

That's it, it's all over, the end just has to be nigh, I mean doesn't it? The economy is in meltdown, men are having babies, and Chris Wallace stood up for Barack Obama. Yes that's right, - Rupert Murdoch's lap dog, the scourge of Bill Clinton - repeatedly defended Obama ON. FOX. NEWS. See for yourself:

Night is day, up is down and... the slow one now... will later be fast? Or, maybe Obama really has opened up a national dialogue on race. Renowned conservative author Charles Murray seems to want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

- Mr. Ed

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring is here!

Spring is here...

I'm pretty sure I posted a very similar video last year (or the year before?), so apologies to the misguided fools people who don't love Tom Lehrer.

- Mr. Ed

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweater Day

Well, it's already been a busy day on the Pony Club (it's great to see Bluecupboard once again grazing in our green pastures) but I couldn't let today go by without mention of Sweater Day, part of Won't You Be My Neighbour Days, March 15th-20th, honouring Fred Rogers, who would have been 80 years old today:

"We’re asking everyone everywhere — from Pittsburgh to Paris — to wear their favorite sweater on that day... [i]t doesn’t have to have a zipper down the front like the one Mister Rogers wore on the program, it just has to be special to you."

Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood was one of my favourite programs when I was a foal. I used to sit in front of the TV and talk to Mr. Rogers, quite convinced that since he was talking to me, he must be able to hear me too. Here's a clip from the show:

I like you just the way you are,

- Mr. Ed

(image from

Five years and counting...

Yep, that's it, today marks the five year anniversary of the start of the Iraq war...
So it was kind of Pres. Bush to provide this Iraq War Word Puzzle to help pass the rest of the Long War...

"The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary and it is just"
he said yesterday, but he left out the following prefixes and words: ig-, un-, ridiculously, un-. See if you can guess where they go. (Hint- some may be used more than once...)


Dave?... Dave?...

I think the moment is undeniably right for a little more indugence in the Kubrick/Clarke piece of marvelousness that is 2001:A Space Oddessy. Surely one of the most effective confrontations between good guy and sociopath in cinematic history, and one of them doesn't even have much of a face...

Okay, enough already with the dubious film crit...

- Bluecupboard

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The end of the an era

The Sci-Fi legend Arthur C. Clarke died today, he was 90 years old.

The film director Stanley Kubrick held the view that Clarke's ability was unique. "He has the kind of mind of which the world can never have enough, a composite of imagination, intelligence and knowledge that is driven by great energy and a quirkish and unceasing curiosity."

Here is a video he recorded on his 90th birthday (this past December):

And here are obits from the WaPo, NYT and the Guardian. He was one of the greats, and will be sorely missed.

- Mr. Ed

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jesus is gone!

But there are wiener-dog poopies everywhere...

- Mr. Ed

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ken Lee...

tulibu dibu douchoo.

- Mr. Ed

Sunday, March 02, 2008