Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More on the Horse/Car debate

In response to the headroom issue so practically raised by Chives, here's another solution, found in a small, Kia taxi in Saigon. Simply freeze-dry your braying buddies, then place them on the dashboard. Then recreate a lush meadow with some plastic rice paddies and a Buddha.

- Scout
Saigon, Vietnam

Monday, February 26, 2007

Now get out of my way before I set fire to you...

You're not Bibby Pevis are you?

No. I'm Chives Eclair

Re: the on-going horse/car debate

I give you, Patches the horse. His owners may have found a solution to the vexing head-room issue that Chives Eclair raised yesterday. They also address the question of what a hungry horse might eat, while on the road...

let's go git us a cheeseburger!
- Mr Ed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

In response to the bluest of cupboards.

Here be evidence that the more discerning of ponies will naturally employ a lacky to perform the driving function on their behalf.

Quite how discerning it is for any pony to make the journey to Krakow in a Skoda is certainly an issue that will run and run. Theres just no headroom.

Chives, disgustedly, Eclair

Ou sont mes nouveau pantalons...

As I was taking a casual canter through the hypernet today I chanced upon this little piece of video excitement. I believe it hails from way back in 1976 when, to a young man with a Ferrari (or possibly a Mercedes), anything seemed possible, even an early-morning cross Paris dash of such startling lunacy as could only be pulled off by those with the most terrifying of handlebar moustaches or the lushest, deepest of shag-pile sideburns. I think this later turned up as a Snow Patrol video, but here is the original- C'etait un Rendez-vous, for all your pony pleasure. Horseys sure don't drive like this!*

*There is, of course, some debate about whether horseys drive at all. This may ultimately need to be the subject of a Pony Club Brand Poll at some point , although with any luck we will have photograhic evidence before this becomes necessary.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why Chuck is all right

Screen grab from the Weather Underground.

I'm off to sun myself in the park!

-Mr. Ed

Friday, February 16, 2007

While we're all feeling french................

I leave you all with this ditty as I leave for Oz for a couple of weeks to investigate some mutterings of possible pony cruelty.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Lamb


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Toujours l'amour

Happy Valentine's day, a day late, from Simon. Simon doesn't care that he's a day late - he thinks Valentine's day is stupid. And it is really, isn't it? Yes, you're right, that is a pretty cool chocolate fish next to Simon. What's even cooler is the fishing trivia on the back. I found it at Eckerds, it must've been a hot item (who doesn't love chocolate and fish?) since it was the only one left.

Life is like a chocolate fish in a box,
It's never quite what it seems.

- Mr. Ed

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Scouts Foreign Report 3: Hanoi & Sapa

I had a short and relaxed flight from the Laos capital to Hanoi with a lovely sunset and mountains peaks rising above the mist. The taxi from the airport was less relaxing. I had to barter with the driver to take me to the old quarter for a set price rather than getting ripped off on the meter but this meant that he decided to try and set his personal best time! An average of about 70 was set and I have no idea how he avoided the hundreds of mopeds and even wooden carts that seem to frequent the motorway.

Hanoi is unbelievable - the old quarter is frantically busy, full of mopeds and produce with narrow streets lined with shady hanging trees. The french influence is obvious and you still see old Vietnamese men shuffling along with berets and goatee beards.

After a couple of days I took the overnight train to Sapa with some friends I originally met in Thailand, another couple and an Aussie guy. Had a good laugh on the sleeper and arrived in the misty cold north - literally a few miles from the Chinese boarder. A minibus took us up through the rice paddies and the fog to Sapa, an old French strategic mountain town. It feels like an Alpine ski resort with cosy cafes serving hot chocolate by the fire and stunning views all around. We hired motorbikes and went with a guide to discover the mountains and valleys.

You will see the photos of the Zao people who came down from China in the 13C. Many of the the tribal people have become very used to tourists and westerners - some of them demonstrating a good understanding of English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese and their own Chineese dialect. After a hard day selling their handicrafts the girls end up on the pool table where they inevitably wipe the floor with the likes of me!

Scout. Reporting for the Pony Club. Sapa, Vietnam

Friday, February 09, 2007

Chives Eclair's Musical Handbag vol.4

A multitude of slightly erotic thankings to Mr Ed for his kind braying on this, a most special day. I must admit that your Chives awoke this morning to a nosebag carrot-full of goodness and at a sprightly canter went forth to locate the soundtrack to such sunny lookings and thinkings. Lo and bloody behold then, but here it is. The first single taken from The Shins' nouveau album, Wincing the Night Away. Totally pony.

Clicking here will make it happen, when Chives couldn't....

My day went downhill when this happened however:

Dave Cake

On this day

In 1911, a terpsichorean ecdysiast, known as Gypsy Rose Lee was born. It also happens to be the birthday of one Chives McFarrel St. John Sunderblast Eclair III. You may know him as Chives, Chivey, Chavvy chives, Eclair, Eclairy, Eclastaplast the-faster-plaster, Christopher Eccleston, Edward the confessor or Bill Oddy. But none of those are his real name. No, his name is Chives McFarrel St. John Sunderblast Eclair III. Got it? Right then.

Whatever you're name is, many happy returns me old china.

- Mr. Ed

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Larking About, Monkey Business etc.

This one is also worth a watch.

- Philip

Monday, February 05, 2007

Multi-link-tastic Monday

Charlie Brooker, regular Guardian contributor and creator of the sublime satire TV Go Home*, weighs in on the Mac vs. PC ads featuring Mitchell and Webb. Here'a a hint - he doesn't like them.

- Mr. Ed

*Never read TV Go Home before? May I suggest you start at the beginning of the archive? You'll be glad you did.